
Ekim, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

21st Century Learning

In today's world, we all have direct access to technology. Technology is integrated into our lives in every field, just like education. We should use technology in our classes in such an effective way that it would be the most beneficial for our students. It is not all about using projection device and stuff. Apart from using it in classes, we can use technology in order to make them become a world citizen, raising their awareness by pointing out ongoing issues in our planet. Additionally, by using platforms such as Edmodo, we can help them become more productive as we can share information and clues about the homeworks we give, and creating a deadline through the app would urge them to do the tasks that we ask them to do. Even if they do not want to do, they will surely learn something when they are trying to complete the assignment. Technology can also help students become more innovative as they see something new everyday. They could put more effort on already existing proj...

Welcoming Text

Hello everyone and welcome to my personal blog. In this blog, you will find my assignments for Educational Technology course. I wıll be sharing my thoughts and researches about those assignments. Thank you!